Thursday, September 17, 2015

The right to bear arms ; carry guns or weapons

Many people are wondering if they can carry on their guns with them in public places . Tha answer is in some states yes you can as Taxas and some others states . In America everyone has the right to have a gun . Because that , America has a very high crime rates . However , in Amercia you can buy guns from stors and you just have to be above 21 . In my opinion if they do not change the rules , the crime rates will rise more and more . 
If they spend that money to help people in Africa instead of buying guns , the world will be better . 

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

How to be a good person

Many people who want to know how to be a good person . It eassier than what they think . First , you have to know about their feelings . For example , if they look sad don not jock with them , or if they do not want to talk do not bothering them by keep talking . Socend , think and listen before you speak because if you do not you will say stupid things . For example , if someone  is talking about something and you was not listen you will be rude because you are like ignoing  him. However , you are seting with your friends , you are not listening . In conclusion i want to say that try to understand people to be good with them , and they will try to understand you and be good with you . 

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

My vacation

Two weeks ago , i was in Dubai with my friends for four days . First day , we went to our hotel , and then we went to Dubai mall to eat a lunch in Cheese cake factory . In the night we went to Jumara beach residence to see Real madrid cafa . Second day , it was amazing experines when we went to Ashargah city to ride a jetski , and then we went to Khalifa towel whis is the tallest towel in the world . We were wallking near Khalifa towel when we saw a famous lady , her name is Tem Alflasi , so we took some pictures with her . Third day , we went to Chinese mall because I wont to buy china for my mother . In the night we went to the cinema to watch Ted 2 . Fourth day , we picked our bags because it was last day for us in Dubai , and then we went to the airport . 

Friday, May 15, 2015

Chapter 5

Eating meals together turns out to be one of the best things we can do for our children . Enjoyable conversation mealtime contributes to children feeling good about themselves and their family . With and luck , it will draw them to the table for years to come . 
To quote the author Miriam Weinstein , family dining is " a simple ritual , but is has no benefits ." When families eat five or more meals together a week , twelve- to seventeen years old are less likely to drink , smoke , or use drugs and more likely to have a positive attitude good grades , and a sense pf well-being , according to a report released by the national centrer on addiction and substance abuse at columbia university ( CASA ) . In contrast , the study peer pressure teens whose families eat fewer than three meals a week together as being more likely to fall to eatablished , engage in substance abuse , and have low grades and low self-esteem . CASA identifies national family day monday to encourage families to eat together 

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Chapter 4

My grandmother now pays less for her medication . It's ( benefit ) the government gives to the epderly . 

Vincent is very tall , and his wife is very petite . You can't help but notice the (contrast) . 

Lalana enjoys the (convenience) of having the bus stop right in front of her house . 

I'm a careful driver , but i still plan to (insure) me car . I don't want to pay for an accident caused by another . 

Jonas hurt his leg while skiing . We did what we could to (lessen) the pain until medical help arrived . 

The police are trying to (locate) the stolen car . 

I don't understand your (logic) . Why do you wash the dishes before you put them in the dishwasher . 

I prefer to live in a small town . Large cities have a higher crine (rate) . 

Dogs (require) more care than cats . You have to walk a dog often . 

My girlfriend dreams of a huge wedding , but I'd prefer something on a small (scale) . 

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Putting a stop to teenage hacking crimes

Not many people connect hacking to phones . Unfortunate people like Paris Hilton , however , have learned that daya can be stolen from cell phone just as easily as from desktop computers . Ms.Hilton cell phone address book was taken by seventeen-year-old hacker in Massachusetts .  He then made the information available on the internet , and in doing so he took away privacy from other celebrities , like tennis star Anna Kournikova and rapper Eminem . The case went to trial , and luckily for teenager , he was treated as minor , not as an adult . He will have eleven months  
Of detention and , after release , two years of supervision . While he serves his prison term , the boy will not be allowed to use the internet . US . Attorney Michael  Sullivan , who faced the young criminal in court , stated , "Computer hacking is not fun games ," he warned that those who break the low , whether young or old , will receive stiff punishments in the future .  

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

When parents and teenagers talk about money, it is frequently about how much mom and dad are willing to give them. many parent intend to teach their children the skills necessary to distributes
personal finance , but they rarely explain how to write checks , handle credit cards, or save for the future . As a result , many young people spend more money than they should and fall into debt . In fact personal finance is rarely talked about at home , rivaling only sex and drugs as the least discussed subject between teens and their parents , according to the InCharge Institute of America , a national nonprofit organization master information about personal finance education . 

Parents can assist their children by talking about personal finance before their children go to university . The first step in learning   to mange money is communication between people who exchange thoughts and analyze a financial plan . That's why they call it personal finance .